Landing pages are an essential aspect of SEO content writing. This is the part of your website where you write copy that pushes your potential customers to convert. What does that mean? It means pushing your customer down to that next stage of the sales funnel.
This next step could be one of many things, depending on your goals:
A newsletter subscription
Signing up to download an e-book
Signing up to your email list
Purchase products online
In this article, I will discuss what a landing page is and the best copywriting practices to employ when building your service or product landing pages.
What is a landing page?
A “landing page” is a standalone Web page that is constructed for the dedicated purpose of allowing visitors to your site to contact you or engage directly with your business, product, or service.
The point of the landing page is to capture specific information about the visitor. This can include their e-mail address and name. One of the most important concepts associated with the landing page is the idea of “conversion.”
Conversion means moving the potential customer one step further down the sales funnel. A landing page can have one of several objectives in terms of the actions you want your site visitors to take:
Opting into your email list
Subscribing to your newsletter
Downloading a white paper
Downloading an e-book or other content
Filling out online surveys or forms
Purchasing online services and products with PayPal or credit cards
These options are also referred to as CTAs or calls to action. Landing pages are the link between visits to your sites and sales conversion. It makes no sense to have thousands or millions of people visiting your website without this resulting in sales.
The point of your landing page is conversion. The copywriting you use on landing pages should be geared toward that goal, and the landing page's success is based on how well it converts. This means you need to bear in mind the following question: How many people who click on the landing page take the action that the landing page is designed for?
How to maximize your landing pages
Maximizing your landing page means designing them to increase conversion rates. Increasing conversion rates depends on several factors, namely, credibility and a clear offer. Let’s take a look at a few tips to maximize landing page conversion rates:
1. Display your logo or brand name clearly. The logo or brand name of your business should be clearly displayed on the banner at the top of the page. This helps establish credibility and is especially true for established companies with well-known brands.
The visibility of your logo can help combat the skepticism that has been built against advertising from the public. Most of the public has grown wary and suspicious of ads. They don’t want to fall victim to scams. Your logo ensures your visitor that they can trust what is being offered.
2. Use testimonials. Testimonials are awesome in their ability to build credibility and overcome hesitancy among your website visitors. Testimonials can take several forms, including:
Case studies
White papers
Video testimonials
Picture testimonials
When featuring testimonials, make sure to include at least the first name of the customer and their face. The best option would be to use video testimonials. Videos are more convincing and can more easily connect with readers, so you should try your best to take full advantage of them.
You can use snippets and photos from white papers and case studies to feature on your landing page. These snippets could include links to the complete white papers and case studies.
3. Use bullet points to make your offer clear. Bullet points should be used to make your offer and its benefits clear. The bullet points should be short and easy to read. They should focus on explaining how your offer can help solve the customer’s problems.
4. Write copy the way people speak. The art of copywriting lies in the ability to appeal to your audience without coming across as unauthentic or a mere salesperson. This can give you a competitive advantage as too may corporate websites are too afraid to sound conversational.
They mistake sounding conversational with sounding unprofessional. The result is that many business websites sound dry and robotic. This may turn website visitors off from buying your product or service. So, always remember that you are selling to other humans behind the screen.
5. Use an effective hook. A strong hook can help capture the attention of your reader. In a crowded marketplace, the reader has many other options to choose from. Focus on a hook that can capture their attention. Effective hooks can include humor, stating a free offer, directly stating the problem and solution, etc.
6. Solve the reader’s problem. After hooking the reader and making them aware of the problem, you should proceed to solve their problem. The focus should be on demonstrating how your product or service can uniquely address the problem that they are faced with. For example:
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How EminentEdit can help with your landing pages
EminentEdit offers Landing page copywriting services that can increase the chances of converting visitors. We offer landing pages that:
Speak directly to the needs of your visitors
Read in a natural conversational tone
Stresses the uniqueness of your offer
Our services include both writing your landing pages from scratch and editing already existing landing pages.
EminentEdit provides editing and proofreading services that are:
More importantly, we are adaptable to your specific needs. | Get in touch with one of our representatives for help in crafting your landing pages We know what you want to say. We help you say it better. |
We also edit landing pages written using AI to make them sound more authentic. AI-written landing pages make sense. They are fast, efficient, and accurate.
But no one is going to buy from a robot. You need a professional human editing touch to increase the chances of these pages converting. Contact one of our representatives today to help you with that —Let’s Go!
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Antoine, M. (2024, December 23). How to Write a Landing Page. EminentEdit. |